Random Advice… my 2¢, and penny for your thoughts?

Alright, there are little pearls of wisdom from the game that you may or may not know.  I’m not sure where else to put them, so I’m just going to start this list.  Please feel free to add in the comments.

Chosen One Perk: If you’re going to spend any money on the game, the $1.99 Chosen One perk is a good investment if you plan to stay long term.  It gives you random bonus perks for hunt, scav, heal duel.  It’s like the gift that keeps on giving.   if you don’t have it, you can buy it from your profile screen.

Preferred Weapon: On your profile, the weapon set in the preferred weapon will show up more often during hunts.  So if you see an event zombie with a weakness, you can set your strongest weapon to beat it.

Scratch Card Skill Level:  You get one scratch card a day for your Daily Reward.  As you level your scratch card skill, you get better free daily cards.   You start with Scratch and Survive, and the max is Scratch and Dominate.  It also unlocks what level scratch cards you can purchase.   You can’t buy the best card until you reach that level.  Each card is 1xp regardless of tier.

Faster Energy Regen:  This is for the higher level players… usually the energy regen is 1 energy per 2 minutes.  When your energy gets to 1080 (combination of level + energy skill) it doubles to 2 energy per 2 minutes.   On average, depending how you play, it’s probably around level 85-90.  The 3 energy per 2 minutes happens around 1800, and 4 energy per 2 minutes is at 2520.

Heal from Chat: You can directly heal players from chat, even without their FC

Palringo:  This is a free chat app that a lot of fellow psc’ers use.  Download it, and look for PSC and Please Stay Calm rooms.  We also have one for AP and friends: Algiers Point

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